The American Leaders Class (ALC)

Impacting the knowledge in leadership was and is the foundational focus for this ALC initiative and is pivotal in bridging that gap that most less developing counties have in addition to having no and limited access to resources.


The Basic Foundational Leadership Program:

The Basic Foundational Leadership courses are designed to provides the students with the vital knowledge and skills of a leader. The students are trained to apply this knowledge and tailored into their various domains of leadership and thereby achieving the following objectives:

  • Cultivate a nurturing environment where practical skills are learned, and leadership is strengthened.
  • Effective communication skills which include written, oral, verbal and non-verbal and interpersonal interaction which involves teamwork.
  • Authentic learning experiences allowing the student to develop the skills and explore, discuss, and meaningfully construct concepts and relationships in contexts that involve real-world problems and projects that are relevant to the learner
  • All graduates are prepared to contribute in their homes, communities, and workplaces etc. having acquired and achieved these highly valued leadership skills and outcomes.

Basic Foundational Leadership – Year 1 (certificate)

Academic Year (2021-2022) – PIONEER CLASS

  • September 2021-June 2022
    • Break –December-January
  • February 2022-June 2022
    • Graduation –October 2022

Academic Year (2022-2023)

  • September 2022-June 2023
    • Break –December-January
  • February 2023-June 2023
    • Graduation – TBD

Basic Foundational Leadership – Year 2 (Diploma)

  • Coming Soon

The original projection for the initiative was about 15-20 students; however, the first year attracted over 75 students which was more that our original estimation. Below is the enrollment data for the first year and about 56% of this class graduated in October 2022.

ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-2022: Enrollment by Gender
Gender Student Enrolled Percentage
Female 62 70%
Male 27 30%
Grand Total 89 100%
ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-2022: Enrollment by Nationality
Nationality Student Enrolled Percentage
Kenyan 2 2%
Somalian 1 1%
Sudanese 1 1%
Ugandan 85 96%
Grand Total 89 100%
ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-2022: Graduated Students
Status Number of Students Percentage
Dropped 18 20%
Graduated 50 56%
Incomplete 21 24%
Grand Total 89 100%
ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-2022: Graduated Students
Students Letter's Grade 2021-2022
Letter Grade Female Male Grand Total
First Class (Distinction) 6 4 10
First Class (Honors) 10 1 11
Second Class-Lower Div 10 3 13
Second Class-Upper Div (Honors) 9 2 11
Pass 5 5
Grand Total 40 10 50


The enrollment for this academic year attracted about 80 students; however, due to changes in the enrollment process requiring students to enroll online saw a drop to 31 active students.

Student Enrolled - Year 2022-2023
Gender Total Percentage
Female 46 57%
Male 34 43%
Grand Total 80 100%
Student Enrolled - Year 2022-2023
Nationality Total Percentage
Kenyan 5 6%
Ugandan 75 94%
Grand Total 80 100%
Student Enrolled - Year 2022-2023
Status Total Percentage
Active 31 39%
Dropped 49 61%
Grand Total 80 100%

Brief History

The American Leaders Class (ALC), is an initiative that began in 2021. The academy came into existence at a time when the world was going through the global pandemic of COVID. The educational system was worldwide impacted and even more so not prepared for such magnitude of adversity. Most developed countries had been known to prepare for natural disasters and all other know global disasters but this one was different as it shook the core of every known system. At the same time, it was an era that the global world experiences an increased use of technology to jump-start and start moving their economies and avert complete collapse.

Globally, in the less developed countries, the educational system was completely paralyzed. These less developed countries which were ill-prepared for such or any and like this enormous disaster had no alternative but to come to a complete stop. In Uganda, as an example, the educational systems were closed for two years and during this time there was an increase of teenage pregnancies and all criminal abuses due to idleness. So, it’s at this time that the founders of the American Leaders Class conceived an idea of finding away to provide education globally especially to the less developed countries using the technology available at the time, zoom. At the same time, the founders had to identify the particular area of focus which was Leadership.

Impacting the knowledge in leadership was and is the foundational focus for this ALC initiative and is pivotal in bridging that gap that most less developing counties have in addition to having no and limited access to resources. At the same time, being a conduit to exchange knowledge and experiences by interaction and exposure of the students and faculty in the United States and globally and African students and faculty.

The intended goal or the end result is using the knowledge and experience attained to develop and replicate themselves by training others and using those skills in their domain of leadership. With the main focus and objective established, next was how to implement the program with the vision and mission in mind and led to reaching out and collaborations to make this work as envisioned.

ALC works in collaboration with different universities and colleges which include but not limited to Utah Valley University, California State University, Northridge and Ndejje University, Uganda. The assistance which includes faculty/students volunteering their time to teach or assist in lectures, using zoom, computers and accessories, t-shirts etc. In addition, we have guest lecturers also volunteering their time to teach.

The program offers practical leadership course through sessions that encourage the most desired skills of nurturing leadership. The students complete a series of abridged activities that include virtual classes, practical projects, teamwork and cumulative weekly assignments. The lectures are delivered by ALC faculty from the different collaborating universities and guest speakers and assisted by volunteering students from California State University, Northridge.


We would love to hear from you. Please reach out to us via email or phone

Executive Board of Directors

  • Professor Jim Powell
  • Professor David Ssejinja
  • Professor Tim Szczepanski
  • Teacher Miria Bukilwa

Email Address:

Phone: +1 508-627-2646

Office Address: 645 Stadium Avenue, Provo Utah